Beiträge von Andrenix

    Many thanks Volker,
    Saturday I will bring the car for the service.
    I will try to ask to dealer.


    Hi Guys,

    finally I have in my hand a new Rlink hw version (3.3.X) and now i will try to replace the old Rlink 2.2.

    I bought a used Rlink Radio in Ireland during the vacation.

    The connections are the same but after switching ignition on, the unexpected happened, Component Protection was activated, and nothing could be used.

    it's an anti-theft measure which is supposedly about combating the black market trade in stolen parts - but it has the beneficial side effect of providing additional revenue for dealers (unintentional benefit - I'm sure, not! ).

    The anti-theft measure is wrote in the BCM unit (Multimedia Protection) and starts when the Can Bus check the VIN wrote in the Radio.

    It is possible through DDT4ALL change the VIN in the radio but this procedure must be do before remove the radio from the old car but It is impossible to change the VIN in the BCM

    The questions is: someone know if I will buy Can Clip there is a possible to remove the protection or to change the VIN in the Multimedia protection menu in the BCM ECU?
    Let me know if you have a idea.
